two digital marketers thinking and working together

The fundamentals and traditional tenets of marketing are evergreen. The tools, techniques, and expertise needed to execute marketing strategies in the digital realm, however, are not. A March 2023 CMO survey threw up an interesting statistic: 46.4% of participants identified “labor/skills shortage” as a primary or secondary challenge for the upcoming year. There’s a significant gap between the present workforce’s capabilities and the skills in demand. Acquiring these skills today equips you for tomorrow. There are ways current and future digital marketers can ensure their skills remain relevant and adapt to market needs.

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Marketing Trends and Strategies 2024 US

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Data analysis and interpretation

Data abounds in the ascendent world of modern digital marketing. Marketers have access to unparalleled insights into campaign outcomes and consumer habits. Data analysis and interpretation skills enable them to navigate the information in their hands toward more effective marketing campaigns – just understanding website metrics will not be enough. Tomorrow’s marketers need to understand data’s role across platforms and channels to help chart customer journeys, revealing which strategies work and what leads to conversions.

Did you know?

The demand for marketing data analysts is expected to grow by 26% by 2030.

87% of marketers say that data analysis is essential for their job.

For 59% of businesses one of the biggest challenges is managing outdated, irrelevant, and inconsistent analytics data.

Marketers who use 5 or more tools in their marketing analytics stack are 39% more likely to see improvement in their marketing programs’ overall performance.


Businesses are collecting more data than ever before, and they need data analysts to help them make sense of it and turn it into profits.

Marketers should make strategy decisions based on data analytics because it’s one of the most important factors for increasing ROI.

The ability to understand and use data is becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. Those that can master data analysis will have a significant advantage over their competitors.

Michael Porterprofessor at Harvard Business School

Organization and project management

Digital marketers need to be able to manage several campaigns and projects simultaneously while meeting tight deadlines and delivering quality output – a challenge, if not an impossibility. A multiplatform marketing strategy requires synchronizing numerous technologies and metrics. Digital marketers must wear the project manager’s hat, orchestrating various teams to bring marketing visions to life.

Did you know?

The demand for digital marketers with organization and project management skills is expected to grow by 26% by 2030.

Applying project management to digital marketing reduces project costs by 35% on average.

Companies that have proven project management practices in place waste 28 times less money than their counterparts who don’t.


By being organized and having good project management skills, digital marketers can improve their chances of getting a job, getting promoted and earning a higher salary.

Project management keeps marketing campaigns on track, stakeholders informed, the team clear, and assignments within scope to help you serve your customers.

When you’re organized, you can find what you need when you need it, and you can avoid wasting time and resources.

Brian Tracyauthor of Eat That Frog!

Embracing automation

Marketing automation is transformative, enabling companies to tailor marketing efforts and sales pitches using established workflows. Automation catering to prospects at different buying stages – saving time and improving efficiency. 68% of marketing leaders are already integrating automation. Tomorrow’s marketers must have the expertise to craft automations and content strategies across customer touchpoints. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will further supercharge these systems for different buying stages.

Did you know?

The global market for automation is expected to reach $232.8 billion by 2025.

8 in 10 marketing automation users see an increase in the number of leads.

High-performing marketers are 1.5 times more likely to use marketing automation/account-based marketing platforms.

Adopting automation: 60% reported increased productivity, 57% reported cost savings, 45% reported improved customer satisfaction, 38% reported increased revenue.


Social media management is the second largest area where marketing automation is used.

Successful adoption of automation calls for careful planning, change management, smart allocation of resources and alignment with the company’s strategic goals.

Marketing automation is the technology that propels your business into a new era of relationship-based marketing with quantifiable results… powerful technology meets effective implementation and internal process management.

Jon MillerCEO and co-founder of Engagio

UX and comprehensive customer experience

Marketing now encompasses more than merely driving sales; it’s about the entire customer journey – all the way through to post-purchase. Marketers must create an easy and user-friendly holistic customer experience, ensuring optimal UX and CX at every touchpoint. You should have an in-depth understanding of the customer – their desires, requirements, and challenges, so that your campaigns can carry the empathetic messaging that will drive conversions.

Did you know?

80% of customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience.

Every $1 invested in UX results in a return of $100.

96% of customers have stopped doing business with a company because of a poor customer experience.

80% of customers accept company mistakes so long as they are backed by excellent customer service.


By creating a positive experience for customers businesses can increase their loyalty, revenue, and referrals. Making things easier for customers is the key to a more beneficial relationship.

Omnichannel experiences are more important than ever – 81% of consumers shopped across at least three channels over the last six months.

You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology, not the other way around.

Steve Jobslate Co-founder, Chairman, and CEO of Apple

Proficient social media skills

Social media platforms are potent tools for amplifying web traffic and growing brand presence. This means you need to stay up to date on the latest trends, learn new tools and strategies and continually test new ideas. Tomorrow’s marketers should transcend sporadic social media posting. They should be adept at paid social advertising, using social chatbots, and fostering engaging communities online. According to the Pew Research Center, 71% of Americans turn to social media for news in 2023.

It’s evident that many millions of potential customers are active on these platforms daily. By keeping their social media skills sharp, marketers can ensure that they’re reaching their target customers and achieving their marketing goals.

Did you know?

72% of B2B marketers say social media is important for lead generation.

Web users stay 88% longer on pages with videos.

73% of businesses say that social media marketing has helped them increase brand awareness.

Insights (of Americans)

47% get news from Facebook.

32% get news from YouTube.

22% get news from Twitter.

11% get news from Instagram.

8% get news from LinkedIn.

Social media is the most powerful tool for customer engagement that businesses have ever had.

Gary Vaynerchukentrepreneur and social media personality